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John Osbourne Portrait
so528 STG9 Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (full face, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (black & white quality image)
so532 STG10 Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing half left, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (good quality image)
so534   Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing full left, two crossed flags) - future Edward VII (excellent quality image)
so536 STG11 Wales, H.R.H. Prince of (facing half left, no flags) - future Edward VII (excellent quality image)
so540 STG17 Wales, H.R.H. The Prince of (facing left, anchor & four ships beneath portrait) - future George V (excellent quality image)
so544 STG7 Wales, H.R.H. Princess of (facing slightly right, wearing pearl necklace) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image)
so548 STG6 Wales, H.R.H. Princess of (facing right, two crossed flags) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image)
so550   Wales, Princess of (facing right, two crossed flags) - future Queen Alexandra (excellent quality image)
so552 STG14 Wales, H.R.H. The Princess of (facing very slightly right, with thistles, shamrock etc. below) - future Queen Mary (excellent quality image)
so556 STG98 Washington, George (excellent quality image)
so560  STG50
Wauchope, Major-General. C.B. (excellent quality image)
      " W.G. " - (see: Grace, W.G.)
so564    Wilhelm I, Kaiser (of Germany) (excellent quality image)
so568 STG106 Wilhelm I, (of Germany) (excellent quality image)
so572 STG108 Wilhelm II, Kaiser, von Deutschland (young man) (excellent quality image)
so576 STG107 Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany (older man) (excellent quality image)
so584 STG116 Windthorst, Ludwig (excellent quality image)
so593 STG37 Wood, C. (Mr R Peck colours:- blue jacket, orange sleeves, blue cap, with woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so594 STG37 Wood, C. (Mr R Peck colours:- blue jacket, orange sleeves, blue cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so597 STG38 Wood, C. (Captain Christie colours:- cream jacket sleeves and cap, with woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so598 STG38 Wood, C. (Captain Christie colours:- cream jacket sleeves and cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so601 STG39 Wood, C. (Sir G Chetwynd colours:- yellow jacket, blue sleeves and cap, with woven signature)
so602 STG39 Wood, C. (Sir G Chetwynd colours:- yellow jacket, blue sleeves and cap, no woven signature) (excellent quality image)
so608 STG13 York, H.R.H. The Duchess of Cornwall & - future Queen Mary (excellent quality image)
so612 STG16 York, H.R.H. Duke of C'wall & - future King George V (excellent quality image)
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This page was created on 15 January 2001
This page was last updated on 5 January 2020

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